「箕面の森アートウォーク2013」 は、7月17日(水)〜27(土)までの11日間、明治の森国定公園で開催されます。箕面は、昔から紅葉と大滝が有名で、年間を通じて200万人もの人々が訪れる北摂屈指の観光地です。
さらに、サイトスペシフィックな作品により提示される、「滝と紅葉」だけではない新しい箕面の魅力を、様々な媒体(ホームページ、フェイスブック、ガイドブック、パンフレット、ポスター)を使って、日本語と英語で、世界に発信いたします。 |
Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013 will be held at the Meiji no Mori Quasi-National Park for 11 days, from Wednesday, July 17 to Saturday, July 27. Minoh has been well known since long ago for its autumn leaves and waterfall. It is the most popular tourist spot in the Hokusetsu region, where two million people visit throughout the year.
This art event is different from ones held in various regions in Japan in recent years: not held for revitalizing sparsely populated regions but held for visitors to understand what contemporary art is and to appreciate it and to rediscover the Minoh nature, history and culture with a new perspective provided by the installed artwork.
Contemporary artists, who are at the cutting edge, mainly in the Kansai area, are invited. Site-specific artwork (artwork that is created taking the location, the environment, the facilities, the culture, the history and the people's life in this community into account) is installed at stores and facilities along or neighboring the Takimichi, leading to Otaki, waterfall, from the Minoh station on the Hankyu railroad. Improvised performance of sound and dance will take place in front of the waterfall and workshops, where children will have enjoyable time, are featured in the square in front of the Ryuanji-temple.
The intent of this event is to vitalize exchange between views of Minoh and contemporary art, to install artwork for a limited period, and to rediscover its landscape and the contemporary art with a new perspective acquired in the relationship among local people, visitors, artists and the space.
In addition to this, not only its waterfall and autumn leaves, but also Minoh's new attractions represented by the site-specific artwork, will be broadcast to the world in Japanse and in English via various media (facebook, homepage, guidebook, pamphlet and poster)