「つながる視点」とは、観客のまなざしとアーティストの思惑(表現)の「接点」が「視点」となり、相互に複雑に絡まり「視線」となる・・・点から線そして空間へと関係が広がることを表している。「つながり」が「つながり」を生成し、より大きな力となり、作品が、人々が、箕面の新しい物語を紡ぎだす。アートを通じて人々が集まり、考えることで、社会にVisual Networking (つながる視点)が生まれ、メ ッセージをコミュニティーに発信する事ができる。 |
"Connected Viewpoint" is defined as the relationship between a viewer's look and artist's intention converging into one point on their retinas; the relationship develops a look into a gaze and the connected gazes with the complexity of the artist's intention and viewer's reception to generate a viewpoint, as images are created from points to lines, to planes and to space.
The connection generates other connections to grow extending the networking of imagination with more and more influence and weaves new stories of Minoh. People gather, discuss them and think about them during this event. Through this, visual networking is formed in society to convey the message from Minoh. |