1/8サイズ 5,000円 ヨコ78×タテ65mm
1/4サイズ 10,000円 ヨコ162×タテ65mm
1/2サイズ 20,000円 ヨコ162×タテ134mm
1ページサイズ 40,000円 ヨコ162×タテ272mm
●個人協賛 一口1,000円
Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, Request for Sponsorship
We will be holding "Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013" from July 17- July 27 in Minoh no Mori (a quasi-national park), Osaka, Japan. We are planning to create and produce its brochure, the official guidebook, and the introducing site introducing participating artists' work and their theme, as well as information on the venues in both Japanese and English.
This guidebook and the event operating expenditure are supported by volunteers, corporate sponsors, and contributors.
We are currently seeking more corporate sponsors and contributors. Sponsors will be given prominent advertising space in the guidebook, and the web site.
◆ Advertisement to the guidebook + Banner ads to the official web site / from ¥5000 ($60 US dollar)
◆ Personal contributor: your name is listed in the guidebook and the web site. / from ¥1000 ($12 US dollar)
Supporters, as listed above, are presented the official guidebook and the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013 tin badge.
We would appreciate it if you could offer your support to the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013.
For more information on sponsorship, contributions, and volunteer work, please contact either the Contemporary Art Gallery Zone (Japan) or the San Diego Office (US).
・Contemporary Art Gallery Zone: (080) 3106-3177 (Japan)
・San Diego Office: +1 (858) 547-9250 (US)
コンテンポラリー アート ギャラリー Zone
大阪府箕面市桜井2-10-5< 阪急桜井市場内>〒563-0043
Phone 080-3106-3177
サンディエゴ オフィス 7791 Acama St. San Diego, CA 92126 U.S.A. +1 858-547-9250
Contemporary Art Gallery Zone
Hankyu Sakurai Ichiba, 2-10-5 Sakurai Minoh city
Osaka, Japan 562-0043
Phone: 080-3106-3177
San Diego Office:7791 Acama St. San Diego, CA 92126 U.S.A. +1 858-547-9250 |