Minoh Otaki (Minoh waterfall)
Minoh Otaki is selected as one of the top 100 waterfalls in Japan. It is located at the end of the Takimichi (the path to the waterfall). You will find a beautiful waterfall with a fall of 33 meters about 3 kilometers from the Minoh station. It is an easy travel on a slow sloping road, taking less than an hour, even if you take a slow stroll to the end.
In summer time, during the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, it will be illuminated after dark to create a sense of mystery. You can experience the cool night air and a light mist from the waterfall.
During this event, improvised performances of sound and dance will be done in front of the illuminated waterfall. It will be entertaining to see the waterfall in collaboration with dance performances in the night.

Souvenir Shops along the Takimichi
Both sides of the path to the Minoh Otaki (the waterfall) from the Hankyu railway Minoh station are lined with many souvenir shops. The Momiji-no-tempura (a maple leave tempura) is a local specialty of Minoh. Every one of them is fried by hand, filling the air with aromatic scents.
It is told that the Momiji-no-tempura originated 1300 years ago by EN no Gyoja, the founder of Shugendo (a Japanese ascetic and shamanistic practice in mountainous sites), when he was practicing the Shugendo in Mt. Minoh: as he was fascinated by beautiful scarlet-tinged maple leaves, he served travelers to make them tempura with tomyo-oil (lamp oil).
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, the store owners on the Takimichi, from the Minoh station to the Ichino-hashi (the first bridge and gate to the Meiji no Mori quasi national park) will collaborate with artists, to hang art work under the eaves of the buildings, with themes related to Minoh. Artwork adds luster to the Minoh landscape and displaying them along the Takimichi sends out the message of a new Minoh to the world.

Kousendou Gallery, Hisakuni Kousendou
OPEN: 9:00~18:00
CLOSED: 7/18・25 Thur.

CLOSED: 7/23 Tues.
1Fカフェ/8:30~18:00 ( LO 17:30 )
●TEL 072-721-3221
The Hashimototei is located at the foot of the Ichinohashi or the first bridge at the gate of the Minoh no Mori. Its building was built more than 100 years ago. At that time, it was a rare three-story wooden building that used to be an inn. Currently, its facility is utilized for multi-purpose space: cafe casually enjoyed meals and drinks, art gallery, and so on.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, the 1st and 2nd floor will be an art exhibition space. The general information center will be set up on the 1st floor, which will be a base for the people who will come to see the art event.

明治の森箕面 音羽山荘
Otowasansou (Otowa Villa)
Otowasansou is a traditional Japanese style restaurant and inn standing on the Mino no Mori (Meiji no Mori Minoh quasi-national park), which is a wooden building with retro atmosphere built in 1926.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, the art work will be mainly exhibited at the east side of the courtyard and at the lounge on the first floor of the Mai house.
I am looking forward to exhibiting the fusion of contemporary art and the Taishou era romance mood of Otowasansou in a natural setting.

OPEN: 10:00~17:00(入館は16:30まで)
CLOSED: 7/23 Tues.
●TEL 072-721-7967
入館料 大人 270円(団体 190円)
Minoh Park Insects Museum
Minoh Park Insects Museum was established in 1953 to extensively introduce insects habitats in Minoh to citizens. Minoh is famous for a rich repository of insects. It exhibits not only insects habitats in Japan , mainly in Minoh, but also rare foreign insect specimens. There, you can observe butterflies flying around in a butterfly garden during all four seasons.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, the front lobby will be an exhibition space and workshops will be held, where kids in summer vacation will be able to participate.

OPEN11:00~23:00 定休日無し
LUNCH(ランチ) 11:00~15:00
( LO 22:00 )
●TEL 072-734-8531
Kajikasou which was built in 1953, as Ryori-ryokan (an inn which is centered on cuisine), had been well known as the iconic building representative of the Takimichi path. It was remodeled last October as a dining establishment retaining its original character.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk, the restaurant floor will be an exhibition space. It is located just 2minutes, by foot, from Minoh station. You feel the change of seasons at terrace filled with a sense of freedom and relaxation.

OPEN: 10:00~17:00
Umeyashiki is the only existing building of many Chamises (a type of traditional tea stall) built along the Takimichi (the path to the waterfall) and its building is praised for its traditional thatched roof and its elegant wickerwork patterned ceiling. It is said that Umeyashiki was named after a beautiful grove of ume (a Japanese apricot) trees, that used to be nearby. It is very popular now as a free rest station retaining the allure of that time.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, the inside of the whole building will be an exhibition space.

ハンドメイドグッズ fuse
OPEN: WEEKDAYS(平日) 10:00~16:00
SATURDAYS(土曜) 11:00~17:00
CLOSED: 7/18 Thur. 7/21 Sun. 7/25 Thur.
Fuse, Handmade Goods Shop
Wander along a side road from the Takimichi (a path to a waterfall) and you will find narrow back alleys that even cars can not go through, and sloped paths. Fuse (a store with miscellaneous goods, where you can find unique overseas or craft work housed in one of the many Machiyas (a traditional townhouse) around that area. The attractive store space mirrors the owner's personal taste.
During the Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2013, its gallery space will be an exhibition space where small works by the artists, participant in this event, will be exhibited.

珈琲 雅楽
Cafe UTA
OPEN 11:00~18:00
CLOSED: 7/19 Fri. 7/20 Sat. 7/21 Sun.

Square by the Ryuanji Temple |