2023年秋、森が緋色に染まる時、滝道に今を生きる美の強者どもが集い、龍神を召喚する。大滝へ続く滝道の来し方に思いを馳せ、古今の美の息吹を蘇らせる。大滝は異界へのみちしるべ。 |
Fourteen hundred years ago, during the second half of the seventh century, the ancient Takimichi mountain trail, running along the Minoh River, was visited by the legendary holy man, En no Gyoja, noted for his practice of mountain asceticism, and by the Tojin people or Chinese Tang.
Since ancient times, Benzaiten, Goddess of Water, and her incarnation as the White Dragon, have been enshrined in the Minoh Great Waterfall.
In the fall of 2023, when the forest is bathed in autumn's shades of scarlet and gold, leading contemporary artists from all over the Kansai area will come together and again, applying their creative practice along the Takimichi trail to cerebrate and call forth the Dragon God with one, unified spiritual voice.
We can only imagine the great number of diverse people who, since ancient times have traveled this sacred mountain road, following the Takimichi to the Great Waterfall, reviving an air of mystical beauty from past to present.
The Great Waterfall is a guide post and gateway into the world of Pure Light and Spirit. |