会期: 2011年 10月5日(水)〜10月16日(日) | |||||||||
基本コンセプト 接点<A Point of Contact> | |||||||||
接点 | |||||||||
「箕面の森アートウォーク2011」では瀧道に沿って存立する建築空間にサイトスペシフィックな作品(※)を2週間にわたって展示する。この限られた期間、限られた場所での作品鑑賞を通して訪問者(観客・観光客)が、箕面の地固有の自然、歴史、文化そしてそこで生活する人々との「接点」を見出すことができればと考える。 アートウォークに参加する観客は単なる美術鑑賞者ではない。時間と体力を強要されるのだ。体に「風景」を刻印し、この地の記憶を浮き彫りにする。それが「場」、「人」、「作品」との「接点」をより深め、箕面の風景の再発見、再評価に繋がっていくと信じている。
作品の設置によって、人々が集まり、語り、考えることになる。そこでは、「作品」と「場」の関係性が顕在化する。アーティストの思惑と観客の意識の「接点」において、新たな社会的スペースが生成される。「箕面の森アートウォーク2011」は、観客の日常への意識や人とのかかわり方を美術の視座から変えていく、そのような芸術祭である。 ※サイトスペシフィック=環境・会場空間・歴史やそこに関わる地域の人々の生活などを含んだ、場所を対象にした作品制作。
I wonder if artists are searching for a point of contact between a society and themselves. A presentation of artwork is always created on the assumption of the viewer's existence. On the other hand, viewers try to be susceptible to artwork and find out a way of appreciating it at a point of contact between artwork, its environment and themselves.
Site-specific art is art related to a particular location, where the artist takes the location into account while planning and creating the artwork. Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2011 will present site-specific art inside or outside of the buildings erected along Takimichi over a two week period. During this local art festival, I hope visitors will be able to find the point of contact among its nature, its history, its culture and the local people.
Viewers are not mere spectators but are required to spend their time and energy on the course of the Artwalk, imprinting the landscape on their mind and renewing their memory of Minoh. I believe it strengthens the point of contact to rediscover and reevaluate the Minoh landscape.
By installing artwork, people will gather, discuss them and think about them. Through this, the relationship between artwork and environment is enhanced. At the intersection between artists' intention and viewers' reception, a new social space is created. Minoh no Mori Artwalk 2011 is a festival that will change the viewers' awareness of everyday life and society through its unique presentation of art. | |||||||||
●橋本亭 会場 Hashimototei | |||||||
新井 厚子 Arai Atsuko | |||||||
ワークショップ開催 | |||||||
浅山 美由紀 Asayama Miyuki | |||||
素材/ワインのコルク、木 | |||||
しまだ そう Simada So | ||||||||
素材/アクリル・キャンバス | ||||||||
部分 | ||||||||
●明治の森箕面 音羽山荘 会場 Otowa Sansou | |||||||
麻谷 宏 Asatani Hirosh | |||||||
素材/和紙にミクストメディア、クリスタル、鉄、木彫など | |||||||
●梅屋敷 会場 Umeyashiki | |||||||||
林 和音 Hayashi Kazune A rest area that people walking on Takimichi can casually stop by; that is Umeyashiki. I would like you to play with your imagination by considering Umeyashiki as if it were a hole. When you notice the existence of both the world you see and cannot see you might see a hole from where you stand and wonder if you are inside or outside of the world! The artwork installed in Umeyashiki at Minoh leads you to a wonder world. | |||||||||
素材/棕櫚、竹、蔓、枝、羊毛、麻、鉄線、綿布、柿渋 | |||||||||
●箕面公園昆虫館 会場 Minoh Park Insect Museum | |||||
小泉 光子 Koizumi Mituko As God creates life, artists produce artwork. Ms Koizumi Mitsuko is inquiring if you were God, what kind of life you would create? "Three Lives" she has created are waiting for you at the lobby of Insect Museum. Those lives are ephemeral until end of the festival, though. She will be happy if you keep them alive in your mind. | |||||
素材/布 | |||||
麻留也 MARUYA 出品される絵は『小鳥たち』というタイトルで描かれた作品が中心となります。小鳥とはいえモチーフは花です。麻留也の絵の大きな特徴は、目の前にある花を通して何かを見、感じ、その感じとったものを、その花の姿をそのままに借りて表現するところで、麻留也にとっての花は、音楽家にとっての音符であり、詩人にとっての文字のようなものなのです。そんなふうに、花で描かれた麻留也の小鳥たちは、今回のもうひとりのアーティストでもある蝶によって、どのように加筆され、完成させられるのでしょうか。 AThis facility stores insects collected from all over the world. A butterfly garden is in it with butterflies flying around. In this space, big banners printed with images of flowers are hanging from the ceiling. Its image of flowers might be the one through butterflies' eye. This is an exhibition where people can appreciate the dialogue between an image of flowers and butterflies. The original paintings are exhibited at Hashimototei simultaneously. | ||||||
素材/布に昇華プリント(昆虫館展示作品) | ||||||
紙にオイルパステル | ||||||
●瀧道沿道 会場 Shops on Takimichi | ||||||||||
木原 真男 Kihara Masao White balls are hanging from the eaves. They symbolize water drops from a waterfall or dragon eggs or so on. Each ball is so small that it might not attract attention. However, you find yourself being in front of a waterfall looking for a ball along Takimichi. You see an imaginary white line connecting white balls; this is a white line. | ||||||||||
素材/木、糸 | ||||||||||
杉本 晋一+オルジェロ・ニーニャ Sugimoto Shinichi+hoyuelo nina You will find "flags," designed like a butterfly, streaming in the wind and lining up along souvenir shops on Takimichi. This butterfly could be a poncho; you could wear it as if you were a shaman. Since ancient times, Gods have dwelt in deep mountains in nature. Sugimoto Shinichi deifies the butterfly as a sacred rite in awe of nature. Hope it will take root as a new landscape in Minoh. | |||||||||
素材/綿・フェルト等 | |||||||||
●ハンドメイドグッズ fuse 会場 Handmade Goods Shop Fuse | |||||||
ぬのはら みほ Nunohara Miho My precious place, my native mountains, a stream of energy rising like a mist, abundant particles of light. Artist Nunohara Miho depicts life and energy drifting through mountains and presents them in oil and acrylic paintings. | |||||||
素材/油絵具、アクリル絵具、キャンバス、パネル | |||||||
●箕面文化・交流センター 会場 Minoh Culture and Communication Center | |||||||
H & A project(橋本修一+橋本あやめ) H&A project exhibits photography and video themed at the intersection between art and play. They bring back home the memory of playtime by arranging objects dropped on the ground in nature and taking a picture of them. A workshop will be held to arrange objects found strolling through Minoh no Mori. | |||||||
ワークショップ開催 | |||||||
●橋本亭 会場 Hashimototei ●梅屋敷 会場 Umeyashiki | ||||||||||||
ヤンヂャ+ジェリー・ゴードン Yangjah+Jerry Gordon | ||||||||||||
一瞬 即興 | ||||||||||||
梅屋敷 at Ume Yashiki | ||||||||||||
Each moment is a passageway between the time we know and the time we are in. | ||||||||||||
橋本亭 at Hashimoto-tei | ||||||||||||
橋本亭 Hashimototei | ||||
明治の森箕面 音羽山荘 Otowasansou | ||||
梅屋敷 Umeyashiki | ||||
箕面公園昆虫館 Insect Museum | ||||
瀧道沿道 Takimichi Shopping District | ||||
ハンドメイドグッズ fuse Fuse Handmade Goods | ||||
箕面文化・交流センター Minoh Culture and Communication Center | ||||